Explore the rich history of sinkboxes, from their construction and purpose to their use, throughout…
Explore the fascinating tradition of waterfowl hunting over trained steers in Texas during the late…
Whether referring to physical structures or fake ducks, duck decoys have been used to hunt…
Read the excerpt ‘Scent Cone Primer’ from The Unforgettables and Other True Fables, a collection…
Dive into the history of the Scottish gunmaker John Dickson and his round-action shotgun, what…
Among pointing dogs, a number of breeds have already disappeared; others may follow them unless…
A long-standing tradition is under threat in Vermont after legislators in the state’s House of…
The rise of the over-under and a history lesson in fashionable shotguns Do you think…
The history of gundogs and firearms are intertwined as the development of one fueled the…
The invention of gunpowder served as the catalyst to develop the firearms we use to…
A look at the history behind the boxlock shotgun and the insult that conquered the…
There was a time when wild Huns were a bird of the Eastern United States…
A complete look at the facts and myths of shotgun shells Imagine it’s 1880 and…