Dog First Aid and Health

Live animal crates are stacked on a cart to be loaded onto an airplane
New CDC Dog Import Rules Will Affect Border Crossings and Air Travel

The CDC is expanding rabies requirements for importing dogs into the United States from all…

An X-ray of a dog showing Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) or twisted stomach.
Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) – Twisted Stomach or Bloat in Dogs

GDV, also known as twisted stomach or bloat, disproportionately affects hunting dogs. Here’s what you…

A veterinarian exams a dog to discuss spay and neuter options
When To Neuter Or Spay Your Dog

Considering the latest science and veterinary recommendation when making the decision to spay or neuter…

A purebred dog is given a command by a dog trainer
Population Dynamics in Purebred Dogs

Setting the record on common myths and misunderstandings around purebred dogs, dog breeding, and populations…

A dog with a mosquito on its nose. A risk to heartworm
Changing The Conversation On Heartworm Disease in Dogs

Your dog’s lifestyle and your preventive actions play a role in whether or not your…

A dog receives the parvo vaccine
Canine Parvovirus: Protecting Your Dog Against Parvo

Parvo, a deadly and preventable virus, is every dog owner and veterinarian’s greatest nemesis This…

A dog with a skunk in his mouth
What to Do When Your Dog Gets Sprayed by a Skunk

A guide to de-skunking your dog and preventive practices to avoid those skunks in the…

A trapper setting up a leghold trap
How to Remove a Dog From Foothold Traps, Snares, and Conibear Traps

Learn about the types of traps a hunting dog can encounter, how to handle it,…

A Springer Spaniel rests after a training session.
Fungal Infections and Hunting Dogs: The Warning Signs and What to Do

Told from first-hand experience, the author shares the story of the loss of his puppy…

A bird dog puppy sleeps in its owners arms.
A Tired Dog is a Good Dog: Managing the Seemingly Boundless Energy of a Bird Dog

No matter the age, understanding the energy needs of your bird dog is crucial for…

A bird dog stands on a rock atop a mountain while hunting chukar.
Keeping Your Dog Safe in Chukar Country

We invest heavily in our four-legged friends. Make sure they’re properly trained and equipped to…

A dog drinks from a water bottle during a hunt.
Protect Your Dog from Overheating and Heat-Related Illness

Joe Spoo DVM, DACVSMR explains the signs of heatstroke in hunting dogs and how to…

A Wirehaired pointing Griffon watches his owner handle a ruffed grouse.
Ticks on Dogs: Comprehensive Guide to Prevention, Removal & Diseases

As ticks and related diseases and illnesses are becoming more prevalent, know how to protect…

A dog's face covered in porcupine quills
Porcupine Quills and Dog Encounters: A First Aid and Avoidance Guide

Exploring the dangers, first aid best practices, and avoidance training of porcupines and dog encounters …

Contents of a dog first aid kit
12 Things to Add to Your Canine First Aid Kit

These household items are important additions to your dog first aid kit to improve your…

Cheatgrass in prairie habitat with bird hunting dogs.
The Dangers of Cheatgrass and Dogs

Tiny grass seeds can cause enormous health problems for hunting dogs without better prevention or…

A bird dog hunts in the Arizona desert
Dogs and Snake Bites

Venomous snakes can be found in the majority of states, so understanding how to avoid…

A hunting dog eating dog food with intestinal health probiotics.
The Importance of a Dog’s Intestinal Health

A look into the factors and issues with intestinal health in hunting dogs with sport…

A veterinarian examines a hunting dogs teeth for dental disease
Dental Disease Actually Effects a Dogs Ability to Smell

Ignore the old wives’ tales and learn the science behind dental disease and a dog’s…

Trimming a hunting dog nails
How to Properly Trim a Hunting Dogs Nails

Looking at proper nail cutting, maintenance, and care for hunting dogs from Dr. Joe Spoo…

A purebred wirehaired pointing griffon on a hunt
Hunting Dog DNA Tests – Protecting Purebred Lineage

Investigating the importance of DNA testing hunting dogs and its application to stud books The…