Publishing Standards and Principles of Project Upland Media Group

Discover Project Upland Media Group’s commitment to ethical publishing with our rigorous standards for quality, accuracy, and science-based wildlife management. Learn about our transparent and reader-centric approach in our Publishing Standards and Principles.

Ethical Publishing Practices

  • Commitment to Quality and Accuracy: At Project Upland Media Group, we pride ourselves on delivering content that is not just engaging and informative, but also meticulously researched and verified for accuracy. Our dedicated team of writers and editors ensures that every piece of content undergoes rigorous fact-checking and quality control before reaching our readers.
  • Advocacy for Science-Based Wildlife Management: At Project Upland Media Group, we are deeply committed to supporting and advocating for science-based wildlife management and conservation. We believe in the importance of scientific research as the foundation for sustainable wildlife practices. Our content often highlights the latest findings and methodologies in wildlife science, aiming to educate and inform our readers about the significance of science-driven decisions in wildlife management and conservation efforts.
  • Evolving with Integrity: We understand that the world of media is constantly evolving. As such, we are committed to continuous improvement in our content creation process. We regularly review and update our materials to ensure they reflect the most current and reliable information. Our commitment to integrity extends to the careful vetting of our contributors, ensuring that our readers receive content from credible and knowledgeable sources.
  • Reader-Centric Approach: Our readers are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to create content that resonates with our audience, addressing their interests and concerns with depth and clarity. We welcome and value reader feedback, using it as a guide to refine and enhance our content offerings.
  • Transparency and Trust: Transparency is key to building trust. We are open about our content creation process and the sources of our information. Our editorial content remains uninfluenced by external pressures, ensuring that our readers can trust the independence and impartiality of our reporting.
  • Upholding Ethical Standards: Ethics form the backbone of our operations. We adhere to the highest ethical standards in journalism, respecting intellectual property rights, avoiding conflicts of interest, and maintaining the confidentiality of our sources when necessary.
  • Sponsorships and Exclusive Agreements: Project Upland Media Group does not take sponsors or offer exclusive brand agreements. Project Upland staff uses gear based on personal preferences and we have a policy against any form of pro staff sponsorship of our owners or employees.
  • Environmental Consciousness in Print and Digital: Recognizing our responsibility towards the environment, we are committed to sustainable practices in both our digital and print operations. Our print publications use FSC-certified paper, ensuring that the paper is ethically sourced to support sustainable harvesting practices and promote wildlife habitat conservation. This commitment reflects our dedication to minimizing our ecological footprint and contributing positively to environmental stewardship.

Corrections Policy of Project Upland Media Group

  • Commitment to Accuracy: At Project Upland Media Group, we are committed to delivering accurate, reliable, and trustworthy content. We understand that despite our rigorous editorial processes, errors can occur. Our corrections policy is designed to address and rectify any inaccuracies in a transparent and timely manner.
  • Reporting Errors: We encourage our readers, contributors, and staff to report any errors or inaccuracies they find in our content. Reports can be made via email to our editorial team at, with the subject heading ‘Report an Error’.
  • Assessment and Action: Upon receiving a report of a potential error, our editorial team will promptly review the claim. If an error is confirmed, we will take immediate steps to correct it. The nature of the correction will depend on the severity and impact of the error. This may include updating the digital content, issuing a correction notice, or, in some cases, retracting the content.
  • Continuous Improvement: We view corrections as an opportunity for improvement. Each correction is analyzed to identify how the error occurred and to implement measures to prevent similar issues in the future.

Project Upland Media Group’s Actionable Feedback Policy

Purpose: At Project Upland Media Group, we value the insights and opinions of our readers and community. Our Actionable Feedback Policy is designed to create an open channel for constructive feedback, ensuring that we continually improve and meet the high standards our audience expects.

Submitting Feedback:

  • Feedback can be submitted via email at or through our website’s contact form.
  • We welcome all forms of feedback, including suggestions, comments, and constructive criticism related to our content, website usability, and any other aspects of our services.

Review Process:

  • All feedback is reviewed by our team.
  • We aim to acknowledge receipt of feedback within 1 week.
  • Serious concerns or suggestions are discussed internally for potential action.

Response and Action:

  • Where appropriate, we will respond directly to the individual providing feedback, offering clarity, solutions, or further information.
  • We commit to considering all feedback in our editorial meetings and planning sessions.
  • If feedback results in changes or improvements, we may publicly acknowledge the contribution (with the permission of the individual) in relevant articles, newsletters, or announcements.

Feedback Follow-Up:

  • For more significant changes or actions taken as a result of feedback, we may follow up with the individual or our audience to assess the impact and effectiveness of the changes.


  • We respect the privacy of those who provide feedback. Personal information will be kept confidential unless permission is given to share it.

Continuous Improvement:

  • This policy is subject to regular review and updates to ensure it remains effective and reflective of our audience’s needs.