Three bobwhite quail hide in a small brown shrub.
FDA-Approved QuailGuard Treats Cecal Worms And Eyeworms In Wild Bobwhite Quail

Researchers in Texas Tech’s Wildlife Toxicology Lab developed a medicated feed that kills parasites in…

A man holding a bird hugs a dog in the desert.
Guide to Hunting Gambel’s and Scaled Quail In Arizona

Expect arid conditions and difficult terrain when hunting these two desert quail species My first…

Gambel's quail with chicks in the Southwest
How Rainfall Influences Quail Populations

Explore how rainfall, or lack thereof, influences various quail populations across the United States from…

A hunter walks up on a dog pointing bobwhite quail
A Guide to Wild Bobwhite Quail Hunting

Best practices for preparing and planning your public land bobwhite quail hunting this season Each…

Bird Hunting in New Mexico for Scaled Quail with a dog
Season’s Musing – A New Mexico Bird Hunting Film

Reflections on a Lifetime Spent Hunting the Desert Southwest for Quail. As I relax in…

A group of hunters walk in on a bird dog while quail hunting in the United States
The Quail Slam of the United States

Explore the quail species that constitute the quail slam in the United States through the…

A covey of bobwhite quail in brush
Environmental Factors that Drive Bobwhite Quail Chick Survival

Weather, protein availability, and predation determine bobwhite quail population sizes Each September, bobwhite hunters across…

A Mearns Quail in Arizona
Hunting Mearns’ Quail in Arizona

It takes a team to find North America’s most prized quail species the Montezuma quail…

Bobwhite quail nest with hatched eggs
The Science of Bobwhite Quail Nesting Dates

Have we been all wrong when it comes to Northern Bobwhite nest hatch timing? As…

A bobwhite quail in proper habitat
Identifying Bobwhite Quail Habitat

Explore the the three core habitat components of bobwhite quail habitat and how they apply…

How Research Informs Bobwhite Management and Hunting Recommendations

Reviewing northern bobwhite hunting dynamics with scientific research Similar to many upland game species, the…

A quail hunter walks up on a pointing dog and a covey of bobwhite quail on public lands.
How Public Land Bobwhite Quail Shift Patterns

Wondering why some of your quail spots are hit or miss? These tips from two…

Adult bobwhite quail wing feathers showing color pattern for aging the bird
Determining the Age of a Quail from Wing Feathers

Use data from feather observations to find the age of your hunted quail and identify…

A pair of female bobwhite quail
Understanding Bobwhite Quail Behavior

Think like a naturalist to unlock clues in upland bird habitat, behavior and patterns Sometimes…

A Gambel's quail calls from a branch in response to a call
Using Sound to Improve Your Quail Hunting

Strengthen your listening skills with some simple exercises and learn how to reduce your noise…

A falconer with his bird dogs and Goshawk
My Falconry – Hunting Scaled Quail with a Goshawk and Bird Dogs

A falconry video looking into the unusual world of hunting Southwestern quail with a Goshawk…

A quail call used during a California quail hunt
How to Use a Call for Hunting California Quail

Improve your hunting chances by learning how and why to use a quail call Silence.…

UplandJitsu hunting California quail without a dog
Hunting California Quail Without a Dog

A guide to researching, scouting, locating, hunting, and retrieving valley quail without the help of…

Dove hunters walking into a field.
Scouting Bobwhite Quail While Dove Hunting

Pinpointing bobwhite quail while dove hunting can help hunters months down the road Hunters have…

Hunting grassland prairies for bobwhite quail
Hunting Wild Bobwhite Quail on Prairie Grasslands

Wild bobwhite quail can be found on prairie grasslands in abundance. The typical scenario played…

Hunting the three species of Southwestern quail in Arizona.
All Wild – An Arizona Quail Hunting Film

Chasing the three Southwestern species of quail: Gambel’s, Mearns, and scaled in the Arizona desert.…