Helpful tips for deciding whether to pluck or to skin puddle and diver ducks If…
Handmade ravioli may be the ultimate comfort food, especially when filled with braised woodcock meat…
Tips and techniques for hunting lagomorphs in highly populated areas with impenetrable cover. Of all…
This year’s Pheasant Fest, the largest upland show in America, is about to begin in…
A rich, spicy chili with tender goose meat that’ll warm you up this winter For…
Make the most of winter’s final days by embracing the cold and methodically working through…
Perfectly cooked duck breast topped with a bright, flavorful sauce that is sure to impress…
Since 2018, Gina Deem has rehomed over 130 adult bird dogs through her dog adoption…
Researchers in Texas Tech’s Wildlife Toxicology Lab developed a medicated feed that kills parasites in…
The German influence on hunting dog breeds dates back to the 19th century when German…
How to perfectly pluck, brine, and roast wild mallard ducks The mallard, or Anas platyrhynchos,…
Diversify your gamebag with these tips for scouting, hunting, and eating a familiar little waterbird,…
Take advantage of a lightly-shot bird to pluck and roast it whole for the full…
Expect arid conditions and difficult terrain when hunting these two desert quail species My first…
This quail recipe uses a time-honored technique to slow-cook birds with tons of flavor Braised…
Mark Parman, author of Among the Aspen and A Grouse Hunter’s Almanac, presents his third…
Tips from a biologist for achieving Kansas’ Grand Slam and hunting bobwhite, pheasants, and prairie…
The deep, rich flavors of duck breast and sausage gumbo will make all the time…
Tips for hunting greater prairie-chickens towards the end of their season. The Kansas Flint Hills…
Cook succulent Canada goose legs in seasoned duck fat and take your tastebuds to France…
Scrounging resale markets, repainting used decoys, and setting up small spreads help hunters gain entry…