
A bird hunter walks the edge of a field in Missouri.
Hunting for Bobwhite, Pheasant, and other Small Game in Missouri

Missouri features a plethora of upland bird and small game hunting opportunities on public lands…

An elk hunter out turkey hunting.
Poor Man’s Elk – Hunting Turkeys in Film

An Elk Hunter Finds a Passion for Turkey Hunting in the Spring Jeff Lusk is…

A turkey hunter in the Ozarks.
My Heart – A Turkey Hunting Film in the Ozarks

Follow Jim Ronquest into his stopping grounds of the Ozarks in the pursuit of wild…

Dean Redbeard Mundhenke turkey hunting in the south.
No Cure (Dean Redbeard Mundhenke) – A Southern Turkey Hunting Film

Exploring the legend of turkey hunter Dean “Redbeard” Mundhenke Dean “Redbeard” Mundhenke is a legend…

A woodcock hunter holds a bird in his hands.
The Unrealized Opportunity of Woodcock Hunting in the Central Midwest

Ever consider hunting woodcock in the central Midwest states as they migrate south? When hunters…

A white winged dove standing on a branch
White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica) – A Migratory Game Bird Profile

How to hunt this flashy and early-migrating species known as the white-winged dove The white-winged…

A bobwhite quail walking in habitat
Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) – Northern Quail Life History and Biology

The complicated story of the once plentiful Northern Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) and its decline…

A wilson's Snipe looking for food in a marsh.
Wilson’s Snipe (Gallinago delicata) – An Upland Game Bird Profile

The Wilson’s snipe is a real and worthy pursuit Perhaps no other bird is so…