Kyle Hedges

Raised in the upland bird mecca of Kansas, the passion for upland birds was born at a young age for Kyle Hedges. He has now spent over 25 years managing upland game habitat on public lands in Kansas and Missouri for State Conservation Agencies. He also works as a Habitat Consultant for Land and Legacy, assisting landowners across the country with improving their properties.

10 Articles Published | Follow:
Dove in a tree during their migration
Understanding the Dove Migration: Local Versus Migrant Doves

Some mourning doves migrate and others do not. Leg band data helps wildlife managers understand…

A mourning dove flying.
Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura): A Feathery Missile

Mourning doves are a popular, fast-flying game bird with a haunting call. On an early…

A hunter walks up on a dog pointing bobwhite quail
A Guide to Wild Bobwhite Quail Hunting

Best practices for preparing and planning your public land bobwhite quail hunting this season Each…

A group of hunters walk in on a bird dog while quail hunting in the United States
The Quail Slam of the United States

Explore the quail species that constitute the quail slam in the United States through the…

A bird dog retrieves a pheasant while hunting
Tips on Hunting Pheasant with a Dog

Handling, reading, and trusting your dog go a long way in improving your odds during…

A dog retrieves a pheasant on public lands
Tactics to Increase Public Land Pheasant Hunting Success

Use stealth, pressure, and notetaking to your advantage when hunting public land pheasants this fall…

A bobwhite quail in proper habitat
Identifying Bobwhite Quail Habitat

Explore the the three core habitat components of bobwhite quail habitat and how they apply…

A quail hunter walks up on a pointing dog and a covey of bobwhite quail on public lands.
How Public Land Bobwhite Quail Shift Patterns

Wondering why some of your quail spots are hit or miss? These tips from two…

Adult bobwhite quail wing feathers showing color pattern for aging the bird
Determining the Age of a Quail from Wing Feathers

Use data from feather observations to find the age of your hunted quail and identify…

A woodcock hunter holds a bird in his hands.
The Unrealized Opportunity of Woodcock Hunting in the Central Midwest

Ever consider hunting woodcock in the central Midwest states as they migrate south? When hunters…