Ryan Lisson

Ryan Lisson is a biologist and regular content contributor to several outdoor manufacturers, hunting shows, publications, and blogs. He is an avid small game, turkey, and whitetail hunter from northern Minnesota and loves managing habitat almost as much as hunting. Ryan is also passionate about helping other adults experience the outdoors for their first time, which spurred him to launch Zero to Hunt, a website devoted to mentoring new hunters.

64 Articles Published | Follow:
Redhead ducks flying into water
Redhead Duck (Aythya americana)- Waterfowl Species Profile

Learn about the redhead diving duck life history, biology, habitat, conservation issues, and more. The…

Green-Winged Teal (Anas crecca) in the water
Green-Winged Teal (Anas crecca) – Waterfowl Species Profile

Profiling the Small but Abundant Green-Winged teal across North America. The green-winged teal (Anas crecca)…

A male Canvasback (Aythya valisineria)
Canvasback (Aythya valisineria) – Waterfowl Species Profile

The canvasback duck (Aythya valisineria) is a bold-looking and large member of the diving duck…

blue-winged teal (Spatula discors; syn=Anas discors)
Blue-Winged Teal (Spatula discors; syn=Anas discors) – Waterfowl Species Profile

A small and speedy duck with whistling wings that is part of the dabbling duck…

American wigeon (Mareca Americana/Anas americana) flying
American Wigeon – A Waterfowl Species Profile

The American wigeon (Mareca Americana/Anas americana) is a subtly beautiful member of the dabbling duck…

Northern Pintail flying from water
Northern Pintail (Anas Acuta)

The Northern Pintail is a medium sized dabbling duck that occur from Canada to South…

A Canada goose in the water
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)

Breaking Down the Stigma Behind the Canada Goose The Canada goose (Branta canadensis) is just…

Wood Duck Biology, Life History, and Identification

This visually stunning duck species is known for its forest dwellings and habitat Although drake…

a greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons)
Greater White-Fronted Goose – The Elusive Specklebelly

Life history, biology, identification, and habitat of the Greater White-Fronted Goose The greater white-fronted goose…

A group of mallards flying over water
Mallard Life History, Identification, Biology and More

The mallard is a duck species iconic in the world of waterfowl and common called…

A common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)
Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) – Waterfowl Species Profile

Discover the beautiful duck with whistling wings The common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) is a medium-sized…

A flock of snow geese flying in North Dakota
Snow Goose (Anser caerulescens) – Waterfowl Species Profile

A closer look at the biology, history, and habitat of the snow goose. The snow…

Two people walk through a health forest
What Defines a Healthy Forest in North America?

Learn about the importance and definition of maintaining healthy forests in today’s world When most…

A male northern shoveler duck on a pond
Northern Shoveler Species Profile

Learn how to identify and hunt the duck with the unmistakable face You know how…

A greater Scaup diving duck opens his wings on open water.
Greater Scaup – A Closer Look at the Blue-billed Diving Duck

The greater scaup is a diving duck with coastal hunting opportunities The greater scaup (Aythya…

A chukar hunter in prime chukar habitat
How to Identify Chukar Habitat

Use habitat knowledge, some advance scouting with maps, and time in the field to improve…

Duck hunting decoys float on the water
Common Decoy Spreads for Puddle Ducks and Divers

Advice for new duck hunters on decoy spreads When you get any waterfowlers to talk…

A Plain Chachalaca roosted in a tree
Plain Chachalaca – An Obscure Game Bird of Southern Texas

The desert game bird you’ve probably never heard about Its name may sound like a…

A bird hunter in sharp-tailed grouse habitat
Finding Sharp-Tailed Grouse Habitat

Breaking down and exploring sharp-tailed grouse habitat for newbies The sharp-tailed grouse is one seriously…

A mourning dove in habitat
How to Identify Mourning Dove Habitat

Finding and hunting mourning dove habitat this fall While many people associate the mourning dove…

A health hen photo from 1929
The Unfortunate Story of the Heath Hen (Tympanuchus cupido cupido)

How this Eastern prairie chicken known as the Heath Hen became extinct despite our efforts…