
a group of chukar on rocky terrain
Chukar Partridge – A Rugged, Nonnative Upland Bird

Life history, habitat, range, and native landscape information for the devilish game birds known as…

pointing dog holds stead while red grouse flush in Scotland
Red Grouse Counting in the North Highlands of Scotland

Explore the tradition and conservation of red grouse in Scotland with pointing dogs during the…

a Sharp-tailed grouse in Wisconsin
Sharp-tailed Grouse of Wisconsin – Firebirds of the Northwest Sands

How the Wisconsin Sharp-tailed Grouse Society Conserves the State’s Sharptails and A Globally Threatened Habitat.…

Biologist using Labrador Retrievers to hunt invasive pythons in Florida
Hunting Dogs Used to Target Florida’s Invasive Pythons

Labrador Retrievers are used to hunt invasive pythons through scent detection, protecting the threatened Everglades…

Two bobwhite quail on a farm with CRP
The Conservation Reserve Program in 2023

A Look at the Conservation Reserve Program as Part of the 2023 Farm Bill with…

A ruffed grouse crosses a dirt road in Missouri
Reintroducing Ruffed Grouse in Missouri

The history of ruffed grouse populations, ruffed grouse hunting, and the reintroduction of ruffed grouse…

A group of new hunters with a hunting mentor
Hunter Recruitment is Not the Problem People Think it Is

Selling hunting licenses is the only way underfunded state wildlife agencies can increase their budgets…

Recovering America’s Wildlife Act Reintroduced to the 118th Congress

This could be the most important piece of conservation legislation in our lifetime. WASHINGTON, D.C.…

A Gunnison Sage-grouse Male
Gunnison Sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus): A Critically Imperiled Species

Prominent filoplumes and limited home ranges define this rare game bird with less than 5000…

How Research Informs Bobwhite Management and Hunting Recommendations

Reviewing northern bobwhite hunting dynamics with scientific research Similar to many upland game species, the…

A sharp-tailed grouse feather on native grasslands habitat
North American Grasslands Conservation Act Introduced to Senate

America’s massive grasslands shrunk at an alarming rate, but a ray of hope has emerged…

A vintage photo of ammunition in a gun shop
The Return Act Threatens Conservation via the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court could destroy the Pittman-Robertson Act in an age of culture wars. Back…

Pheasant being farmed for public lands
Montana to Spend $1 Million Per Year on Pheasant Farming Instead of Habitat

We should be a culture creating a sustainable future for wild birds, not perpetuating the…

Sage grouse durning the breeding season
Wyoming Hunters, Stakeholders Fighting Senate File 61 Concerning Pen-Raised Sage Grouse

While the notion of stocking pen-raised birds to help dwindling sage grouse populations may seem…

A mountain lion watches from a tree.
State Legislatures ‘Need to Leave Management Decisions to the Experts’ as Anti-Hunting Bills Intensify

Colorado SB22-031 is the most recent example that the intensity of anti-hunting and anti-sportsmen bills…

A waterfowl hunter walks out of a marsh.
Discovering BioAmmo: Investing in Biodegradable Shotshells for a Cleaner Environment

Two hunters’ quest to leave as small of a footprint as possible leads them to…

Conservation partners work together on a multi-species project in Elkins, West Virginia.
The Future of Conservation: Interagency Partners Work in Tandem to Protect Multiple Species

In the mountains of West Virginia, three agencies are setting an example by joining forces…

A ruffed grouse sits on a log.
Landmark Legislation of the 117th Congress and Upland Birds

A lot has happened in the first year of the 117th Congress and the Biden…

A.J. DeRosa holds the paw of a black bear with a hound in the background.
Battle of the Hounds: Vermont Legislature Considering Bills to Limit, Ban Bear Hunting with Dogs

A long-standing tradition is under threat in Vermont after legislators in the state’s House of…

A hunter walks over a hill in a grassland area.
‘North American Grasslands Conservation Act’ Gaining Traction on Capitol Hill

A piece of legislation with large-scale implications currently titled the ‘North American Grasslands Conservation Act’…

Logging machinery stacks cut timber in a private rural forest.
The Rural Forest Markets Act: Aid to Private Forest Owners

Another voluntary incentive program may be coming to the American conservation arena and provide funds…