English Setter

An illustrated portrait of Edward Laverack
Edward Laverack: the Father of the English Setter

The life and times of Edward Laverack, the man renowned for remodeling the English Setter,…

Llewellin Setter on point
Llewellin Setter: Characteristics, Training, and Hunting Ability

The beautiful Llewellin Setter is quick to learn, highly trainable, and makes a loving companion…

An English Setter working in a field
English Setter: Characteristics, Abilities, and History

The intelligent and beautiful English Setter is an international phenomenon in the bird dog world…

filmmaker Kevin Erdvig with his English Setter grouse hunting
The Point – 10 Years of Project Upland Films

Project Upland celebrates 10 years of filmmaking and the evolution of those who tell your…

Most Popular Bird Dog Breeds of 2023

Exploring the most popular bird dog breeds of the upland hunting community over the years…

An Irish Setter on point in Ireland
Development and History of the Irish Red Setter

How the Irish Setter Breed Came to Be on Both Sides of the Atlantic With…

An English Setter Upland Bird Hunting in North Dakota
Love Letter to North Dakota – A Hungarian Partridge and Sharp-tailed Grouse Story

Watch and read the upland hunting adventures of Tyler Webster of Birds, Booze, and Buds…

An old photography of many women behind the American Field Trials
Women in American Field Trials: Paving the Way

A remarkable cast of women paved the way through history pointing dog field trials and…

A dog trainer works on pointing steadiness with a German Shorthaired Pointer
The Modern Era of Bird Dogs in North America: HDC Episode #31

The modern era of hunting dogs is characterized by technology and information, making new breeds…

Deer Shooting historic hunting dog artwork
The Golden Age of Hunting Dogs in North America: HDC Episode #30

As dog shows and field trials became popular, 19th-century Americans looked to standardize the breeding…

a group of setting spaniels
The Word “Setter” Does Not Mean What We Think It Does

The truth behind the word ‘setter’ has quite the history behind it; one you may…

Marjolein Kamman-van Eijk
Hunting and Field Trials in Continental Europe with Marjolein Kamman-van Eijk: HDC Episode #21

Versatile dogs and English Setters find their niche while hunting and trialing in Europe and…

David Hudson taking photographs on the English moors
Pointers and Setters on the English Moors with David Hudson: HDC Episode #20

Travel across the Atlantic to discover the world of shooting and field trialing with Pointers…

Hunters in the United Kingdom on a partridge shoot with hunting dogs
United Kingdom and Ireland – Pointing Dog Breed Origins: HDC Episode #5

Exploring the origin of pointing dog breeds from the United Kingdom and Ireland In the…

A group of NAVHDA members inspecting a hunting dog.
The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association – A Look at NAVHDA

NAVHDA explained as an organization, testing platform, and community What do you see when you…

A woman kisses her pointing dog.
How to Choose a Pointing Dog – Breaking Down 38 Bird Dog Breeds

Narrowing down what pointing breed to choose can be daunting; this guide will help find the…

An English setter being trained on Moors in England
How English is the English Setter?

Over time the English setter has become a worldwide phenomenon in the bird dog world—and…

A Llewellin setter on point.
History of Richard Purcell Llewellin

The story of the iconic man behind the debated Llewellin Setter legacy. Speak the words…

African-American of the Georgia-Florida Shooting Dog Handlers Association riding
Hard Day Riding – A Southern Field Trial Film

Journey into the overlooked world of African-American field trial history in the South Being a…

Jay Dowd with one of his English setters and a ruffed grouse.
Setters of the Project Upland Community

Fantastic Setters and Where to Find Them (in our films). If there is a good…

An Italian hunter walks his Setters in the Alps.
Dad is a Breeder – An Italian Journey of Dogs and Eurasian Woodcock

Many of us have come to know the work of Italian filmmaker Andrea Cavaglia. But…