
George Washington National Forest in the fall.
Trial by Fire: The Loss and Potential Recovery of Ruffed Grouse Habitat in Virginia

When it comes to restoring ruffed grouse habitat, particularly in Viriginia, our conservation practices need…

An American Black Duck flies over blue water.
American Black Duck (Anas rubripes): An Elusive Yet Treasured Duck Species

Life history and habitat information about black ducks and the strong culture surrounding them. Life…

Woodcock being pointed by a dog in woodcock habitat
How to Identify American Woodcock Habitat

Learn how to find woodcock habitat in the Northwoods, central and southern states, and along…

Logging machinery stacks cut timber in a private rural forest.
The Rural Forest Markets Act: Aid to Private Forest Owners

Another voluntary incentive program may be coming to the American conservation arena and provide funds…

A duck hunter carries his decoys and harvested mallards
Largest National Wildlife Refuge Expansion Proposal in Recent History Accepted by Interior Department

The plan expands refuges by 2.1M acres, open up new hunting opportunities for the first…

A bird hunter holds a woodcock and a shotgun
A Guide to American Woodcock Hunting

Woodcock may be one of the greatest game birds to pursue for those interested in…

Two pointers on a plantation quail hunt.
Plantation Quail – A Southern Bobwhite Film

A glimpse into the culture and tradition of plantation quail hunting in the South. For…

A white winged dove standing on a branch
White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica) – A Migratory Game Bird Profile

How to hunt this flashy and early-migrating species known as the white-winged dove The white-winged…

A bird hunter going after Ruffed Grouse in Virginia
Bird Hunting in Virginia, Pheasant, Quail, Grouse, Woodcock, and Small Game

Virginia is for lovers of bird hunting. Virginia is predominantly the forested mountains in the…

A wilson's Snipe looking for food in a marsh.
Wilson’s Snipe (Gallinago delicata) – An Upland Game Bird Profile

The Wilson’s snipe is a real and worthy pursuit Perhaps no other bird is so…

An American Woodcock looks for worms on a young forest floor.
The American Woodcock Profile – Scolopax minor

A look at the migratory game bird of known for its many names the American…

a grouse hunter walking through ruffed grouse habitat in Virginia.
Chip Hidinger—Ruffed Grouse Society #HealthyForests Campaign

Chip Hidinger, an Arizona native, shares his new Virginia Upland Adventures in the #HealthyForests Film…