Tips from a biologist for achieving Kansas’ Grand Slam and hunting bobwhite, pheasants, and prairie…
Tips for hunting greater prairie-chickens towards the end of their season. The Kansas Flint Hills…
Learn how to locate greater prairie-chickens in Kansas’ legendary Flint Hills, Smoky Hills, and High…
Upland bird hunting in this Rocky Mountain state features a variety of species, habitats, and…
Ways to differentiate prairie chickens and sharp-tailed grouse both in the field and in the…
Recommendations for pinning birds in the wind across the United States As I set up…
Prairie chicken hunting tips, tricks, and advice from an expert After 35 years of bird…
Embark on a thrilling hunt for grouse and huns amid the serene prairies and rolling…
Experience Nebraska’s premiere upland bird hunting from grassland bobwhite quail to prairie grouse opportunities. “To…
There’s a good reason why South Dakota is synonymous with bird hunting. Each fall, South…
This could be the most important piece of conservation legislation in our lifetime. WASHINGTON, D.C.…
Welcome fall with a main course of delicious fried prairie chicken breasts with creamy gravy…
A piece of legislation with large-scale implications currently titled the ‘North American Grasslands Conservation Act’…
A Latin American staple with an upland bird twist, this recipe utilizes the legs of…
The recent dual proposal by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to list the iconic…
Learn the types of grasses that form the Great Plains and how these ecosystems relate…
Fresh ingredients with bright flavors pair well with the red meat of the greater prairie…
Learn the basics of greater prairie chicken meat, the typical flavor profile, and techniques for…
Preserve your upland bird meat into these delicious, easy-to-carry snack strips or sticks This recipe…
Learn how to use online maps to identify prime habitat and terrain for hunting prairie…
This versatile recipe combines upland birds with the best of winter ingredients Aside from cold…