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Chip Hidinger—Ruffed Grouse Society #HealthyForests Campaign

Project Upland is an editorial initiative to capture the cultures…
Chip Hidinger, an Arizona native, shares his new Virginia Upland Adventures in the #HealthyForests Film Campaign.
Chip Hidinger lives in Midlothian, Virginia and is a member of the Richmond, VA chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society. Chip shares his transition from Arizona Quail hunting to Virginia Ruffed Grouse hunting with his prized French Brittany’s. This film was captured during the 2016 Ruffed Grouse Society Camp Tour which focused on the importance of habitat in the Southern Appalachia.
“I became a member because of the active chapter in Richmond, Virginia and after getting to know the guys, I thought it was important to support the Society for the habitat . . . We need to work with other agencies to manage our forests. We need more people to know that new-growth forests are important, and I don’t think that message is out there like it should be.”
The Ruffed Grouse Society and American Woodcock Society is a non-profit organization that seeks to promote forest diversity for neo-tropical birds. The fight primarily focused on early successional habitat which in most parts of the country is roughly around 2% (science indicates a balanced forest should be around 10-15%). Through education, film, hunter recruitment, and boots on the ground conservation, they have made impacts throughout the country for abundant wildlife.
This film was made possible by the Cabelas Outdoor Fund: ‘Millions of Cabela’s customers have combined their spare change by “rounding up” their purchases at our stores to promote and protect the future of hunting, fishing, camping and recreational shooting.’

Project Upland is an editorial initiative to capture the cultures and traditions of upland bird hunting. We seek to inspire a future generation of upland bird hunters to understand the essence of hunting traditions and the critical cause for conservation.