Versatile Dog Breeds

A German Shorthaired Pointer lays in short grass.
Paws To Peaks Rescue: A Nonprofit Dedicated To Rehoming Bird Dogs

Since 2018, Gina Deem has rehomed over 130 adult bird dogs through her dog adoption…

A pudelpointer on point in a meadow.
Pudelpointer – Dog Breed Form, Function, History, and More

This medium-sized versatile dog breed is known to be friendly, inquisitive, and very social. Until…

A german shorthaired pointer with its owner.
Most Popular Bird Dog Breeds of 2024

Exploring the most popular bird dog breeds of the upland hunting community over the years.…

An English Setter working in a field
English Setter: Characteristics, Abilities, and History

The intelligent and beautiful English Setter is an international phenomenon in the bird dog world…

German Wirehaired Pointer side profile
German Wirehaired Pointer: Dog Breed Information, Form, Function, History, and More

Built for both land and water, the German Wirehaired Pointer defines versatility Wiry beards, grandpa-esque…

Two German Dogs Holding Pheasant
The Jagdgebrauchshundverband ( JGHV) – the German Versatile Hunting Dog Association

Learn how the German hunting dog testing system works and how it built the breeds…

A seemingly identical dogs, a German Wirehaired Pointing and Deutsch Drahthaar sit next to each other
The Difference Between a Deutsch-Drahthaar and a German Wirehaired Pointer

A look at the differences between two wirehaired dog breeds that share a common origin…

Deutsch Langhaar in North America
For the Love of Dog – The Deutsch Langhaar of North America

Watch the origin story of the Deutsch Langhaar in North America with the DL-GNA club…

A dog heeling during a hunting dog test
Comparing NAVHDA, JGHV, and AKC Hunting Dog Tests

Learn about the various hunting dog testing systems from the puppy level to the finished…

A Drahthaar retrieves a hare in Germany
Drahthaars, Langhaars, Bretons, and other International Breeds in America: HDC Episode #32

Is there a difference between a Deutsch Drahthaar and a German Wirehaired Pointer? Explore breeds…

German Shorthaired Pointer on point.
Origins of the German Shorthaired Pointer

From Spanish Pointers to English Pointers, a dog historian explores the complex history and origins…

A hunter ready to take the VJP with his German hunting dog.
How to Prepare a Dog for the VJP Test

Getting your dog ready to run in the puppy natural ability test for the German…

Hunting and Forest Management in Germany with Nadja Niesner: HDC Episode #25

Hunting in Germany is not only for recreation, but also for management of invasive species…

Nadja Niesner with her Weimaraner and a pheasant
Big Game and German Utility Dogs with Nadja Niesner: HDC Episode #24

Versatile dogs of German origin have a rich history in hunting big game We start…

A hunting dog find s a truffle in the thick understory of the forest.
Truffle Hunting With Your Dog

Learn how to work with your dog to find wild or cultivated truffles in the…

A German Wirehaired Pointer retrieves a duck from a lake
Versatile Breeds as Waterfowl Dogs

The value of versatile hunting dog breeds extends beyond the field and into the duck…

A brown Spinone hunting dog stands in a field
Spinone Italiano – Complete History and Development

The traditional, rough-haired Italian pointing dog overcame difficult odds to become a modern, versatile hunting…

A group of NAVHDA members inspecting a hunting dog.
The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association – A Look at NAVHDA

NAVHDA explained as an organization, testing platform, and community What do you see when you…

A historic drawing of the early pointing dogs in action while hunting.
Origins of the Pointing Dog: Hunting Dog Confidential Episode #1

An exploration into the origins of the pointing dog and how bird dogs developed alongside…

An instructor teaching a teenager during the NAVHDA Youth Program
The NAVHDA Youth Program

The NAVHDA youth program focuses on fostering meaningful relationships and events to inspire the future…

A large Munsterlander in a field training for bird hunting
A Large Munsterlander Profile

A little known breed, the Large Munsterlander is big on natural talent and good looks…