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Paws To Peaks Rescue: A Nonprofit Dedicated To Rehoming Bird Dogs

Paws To Peaks Rescue: A Nonprofit Dedicated To Rehoming Bird Dogs

A German Shorthaired Pointer lays in short grass.

Since 2018, Gina Deem has rehomed over 130 adult bird dogs through her dog adoption program.

Gina Deem was a nursing student in Bozeman, Montana when she adopted her first hunting dog in 2014. At the time, she wasn’t a hunter, but her then-boyfriend was. “He said, ‘If we’re going to get a dog, we’re going to get a bird dog. And that bird dog’s going to be a German Shorthair,’” she recalls. Aware of how many dogs were in shelters, Deem wanted to adopt a bird dog.

Deem and her partner didn’t have the funds to put down a deposit with a reputable GSP breeder. Plus, she figured they’d be able to find a GSP up for adoption. She was right. Within days, she and her then-boyfriend picked up a Shorthair named Boone from a small shelter near Sand Point, Idaho. He had been surrendered after his former owner’s health declined.

That fall, Deem took Boone hunting and watched him point his first rooster pheasant. Deem was hooked and soon developed a deep passion for bird dogs and upland hunting. After adopting several more GSPs and observing how many popped up at shelters in her region, she started Paws to Peak Rescue in 2018. Since then, she’s rehomed over 130 bird dogs in Montana, Idaho, Utah, and beyond.

Why Dog Owners May Seek Out Rehoming Programs

While rehoming bird dogs is a touchy subject, Deem has an important perspective on the issue having developed one of the most well-known rescues for versatile dog breeds in the Mountain West. 

To many, the idea of a bird dog rescue might seem confusing. For one thing, who is willing to give up a bird dog after going through all of the time and resources to buy one? According to Deem, the issue has several parts. 

“I do believe in breeding for the betterment of the breed. But we run into problems when there are too many backyard and irreputable breeders,” explains Deem. “Too many breeders don’t screen their applicants. And there’s a lot of people that want to get a bird dog without really knowing what they’re getting themselves into. That’s a big part of the problem.”

Deem adds that there are people who consider dogs disposable. Others aren’t willing to make sure their dogs get enough exercise and training. As a result, they simply rehome them or surrender them to shelters. And bird dogs, whether trained to hunt or not, have specific needs. 

Active Dogs Deserve Understanding Homes

“High-energy dogs need structure,” she says. “If they’re left to their own devices, they’re going to get into trouble. They need scheduled training time throughout the day, dedicated off-leash running, and kennel training. If their needs aren’t being met, they will be naughty.”

This naughtiness can lead some folks to surrender their dogs. Yet, Deem emphasizes that this is often not the dog’s fault. With the right training and consistency, she and her team of several fosters work with the dogs that come into the rescue to teach them basic obedience. They also do bird work with them to gauge their natural ability — and figure out if each dog should be paired with a hunting family or a non-hunting one. She says about a quarter of the dogs that come through the shelter go on to hunt, while the others go to active but non-hunting households. 

“Every dog is different,” she says. “What worked with one dog may not work for another. That’s the biggest thing I’ve learned. You have to keep it in mind whenever you approach training any dog, whether it’s a rescue or not.”

Deem’s Foster-To-Adopt System Helps Families And Dogs Get To Know Each Other

Adopting a bird dog is not a small decision, particularly if you plan to hunt together. Adopting an adult dog poses distinct challenges when compared to buying a puppy from a reputable breeder. Particularly, it’s difficult to know the backstories of many bird dogs that come through shelters—some of them struggle with behavioral issues. 

“With any rescue, you don’t often get the opportunity to truly know their histories,” says Deem. “So, you have to get the dog and see for yourself what it has to offer and may need help with.”

Because of this, Deem often uses a system she calls “Foster to Adopt,” in which she allows potential adopters to take in a dog on a provisional basis so there’s a safety net in case it isn’t a good fit for the family or vice versa. This allows potential adopters to see where the dog is at and what they’re committing to. 

Full disclosure: I adopted a dog from Deem’s rescue through the Foster-to-Adopt system. He is an owner-surrendered Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. When we first got him, we weren’t sure he would be a good hunter — and I wanted to make sure to get a bird dog that would hunt. After I introduced him to birds several times, it quickly became clear that he would. 

Benefits Of Adopting An Older Bird Dog

According to Deem, there are benefits to adopting an older bird dog instead of buying a puppy. The older dogs typically don’t require the foundational training that puppies need. For example, most of Paws to Peak Rescue’s adoptable dogs are potty-trained. That said, when it comes to hunting, Deem often tells her clients to start with the basics. 

“You have to put them on lots and lots of birds. Allow them to figure out pointing and get their drive up,” she says. “Treat them like a puppy even if they’re not.”

According to Deem, adopting a bird dog also offers a less tangible benefit: giving an unwanted or improperly cared for dog a better home. And there’s also the gratification that comes from training and bird hunting with such a dog.

As for Deem, she says her persistence and work ethic have allowed her to successfully rehome bird dogs while also working a full-time job as a nurse practitioner. She’s also the Pacific Northwest Coordinator for HerUpland, a nonprofit that introduces women and girls to upland hunting.

“I love getting women and youth together to not only learn how to hunt but to handle and train their dogs,” she says. “Most of Paws to Peaks’ dogs have the potential to be a good bird dog with the right training and structure.”

View Comments (5)
  • Very well-done article. Thank you for the time in researching and composing. President & Founder of the Idaho Chukar Foundation

  • I have known Gina and her work with Paws to Peaks for a number of years. She is a great person doing great work. Our Pheasants Forever chapter invites her to have a booth at our annual banquet to promote her work and raise some money. .

  • Its important to know that these dogs make GREAT oets they dont HAVE to be used for hunting. I resqud one at 4 wks old he was the love of my life. We had him till he was 18 and then we had to make the painful decision to put him down due to healthhe was never used to hunt. He was just a spoiled rotten fur baby and id deff resq another.

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