Spruce Grouse

A nearly-white snowshoe hare sits on moss below a bush.
Guide to Early Season Snowshoe Hare Hunting

These early season snowshoe hare hunting tips will help you bring home both fur and…

Spruce Grouse Hunting In Alaska

Building a new reputation for the overlooked and underrated spruce grouse. Spruce grouse are not…

Two bird hunters and a bird dog hunting in Idaho.
Bird Hunting in Idaho: Grouse, Quail, Chukar, and More

Who knows how many grouse are hiding in Idaho. Isn’t it time you found out? …

A bird dog retrives a bird in western states
Western Upland Hunting Strategies

Understanding the differences in habitat and the ability to adapt on the fly will help…

plucked upland bird legs rest on a table.
How to Remove Tendons from Upland Bird Legs

If bird meat isn’t prepared properly, tendons can become hard to navigate in a meal…

a ptarmigan grouse stands on a rock in Alaska
Small Game and Bird Hunting in Alaska, Season Dates, Licenses Fees, and New Rules

The adventures of small game and bird hunting are ready for the taking on the…

A grouse takes flight on a prairie
What Defines the Grouse Family?

Similarities and differences within the grouse family of North America, part of the Galliformes order…

A bird hunter on public lands in Utah hunting for the grouse species ptarmigan
Public Grouse Documentary – Now Streaming on Various Platforms

The one-hour feature film featuring the story of the Public Grouse in America, produced in…

A ruffed grouse walking through snow leaving tracks
Understanding Tracks and Other Game Bird Signs

Identifying clues left in the deserts, mountains, uplands and woods when bird hunting “I’ve got…

Two bird hunters in the woods of Quebec.
How to Bird Hunt Quebec – A Non-resident Guide

What does it take to bird hunt Quebec? Quebec, the largest province in Canada, is…

Two grouse hunters walk a logging road with their bird dogs.
Minnesota Grouse Hunting, Woodcock, Prairie Chicken, Pheasant and Small Game

Minnesota may be the epicenter of the bird hunting community and is home to various…

A bird hunter in Maine with his pointing dog while ruffed grouse hunting.
Bird Hunting in Maine, Ruffed Grouse, Woodcock, and Other Small Game

‘The way life should be’ when it comes to many things in Maine — including…

A Spruce grouse in a forest.
Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis) – An Upland Game Bird Profile

Take a look at the Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis) its history, biology, and hunting availability.…