Dog Training

A black labrador retriever swims through the ocean with a duck in its mouth.
Tips And Techniques For Keeping Retrievers Safe In Cold Weather

Prepare you and your dog for success when it comes to staying safe during late…

A dog being conditioned through exercise and training.
Dog Conditioning – Physically Preparing Your Dog for the Rigor of Hunting Season

Best practices for physically conditioning your dog before hunting season. A long day afield is…

A dog and a dog trainer making eye contact.
The Importance of Eye Contact During Dog Training

Create teamwork and connection between you and your dog by learning to read each other’s…

A pointing dog holds steady durning a training session on birds.
Understanding the Stages of Steady Training a Dog

Steadiness training can be broken down into four phases: steady to flush, steady to wing,…

Dog learning how to quarter on a long lead for better bird searching skills.
Developing a Hunting Dog’s Bird Searching and Quartering Skills

Using a short and long lead to train your dog how to quarter at home…

A dog trainer holds a long lead for a dog
Basics of Training Dogs with a Long Lead

Is using long leads to train dogs a relic of the past or a timeless…

A resident of Monata trains his bird dog on wild birds
Montana’s Bird Dog Training Regulations: Balancing Ethics and Impact on Wild Birds

Montana’s new regulations for training dogs on wild birds call for more than enforcing an…

Bobwhite quail in a pen
Above-Ground versus Ground Housing for Pen-Raised Quail

Explore the pros and cons of above-ground and ground housing for pen-raised quail, tailored for…

A hunter trains a pointing dog while hunting wild birds
Transitioning a Dog from Training and Testing to Hunting Wild Birds

This guide will help you troubleshoot and transition onto wild birds with your pointing dog…

A dog retrieves a bumper from the water
How to Introduce a Dog to Water Work

Keep these tips and ideas in mind when introducing your dog to water training Sweat…

A group of bird dogs ready to pull a dog sled
Using Bird Dogs for Kicksledding

Pursue a new hobby in the off-season by participating in winter dog sports with your…

Two German Dogs Holding Pheasant
The Jagdgebrauchshundverband ( JGHV) – the German Versatile Hunting Dog Association

Learn how the German hunting dog testing system works and how it built the breeds…

Dog trainer Jason Carter commands his dog in the field
Understanding Bird Dog Field Terminology and Commands

Bird hunting and dog training are full of terminology and words that new hunters need…

A dog heeling during a hunting dog test
Comparing NAVHDA, JGHV, and AKC Hunting Dog Tests

Learn about the various hunting dog testing systems from the puppy level to the finished…

Teaching a dog to heel
Teaching Your Dog To Heel

A guide to teaching a dog the heel command from training methods to correction. Hiking…

A deutsch langhaar puppy at his new home.
How to Prepare for a New Puppy

Bringing home your first puppy should involve proper preparation and expectations to make a positive…

A dog on point while ruffed grouse hunting
How Dogs Develop on Ruffed Grouse – A Guide to Preparing a Dog for Grouse Hunting

Hunting guides and dog trainers share their thoughts on how owners can prepare their bird…

A Deutsch Langhaar recalls to its owner.
Training and Troubleshooting the Recall Command with Dogs

Learn about the recall command and how to troubleshoot any issues that may arise with…

A pointing dog picks up on a scent during a hunt.
How a Bird Dog Understands Scent Cones with Bill Allen

Read the excerpt ‘Scent Cone Primer’ from The Unforgettables and Other True Fables, a collection…

A dog pointing a woodcock during the spring training season
Spring Woodcock: The Quiet Period and Pointing Dog Training

Explore the ethics, laws, and dog training opportunities of the spring woodcock season The afternoon…

A bird dog puppy sleeps in its owners arms.
A Tired Dog is a Good Dog: Managing the Seemingly Boundless Energy of a Bird Dog

No matter the age, understanding the energy needs of your bird dog is crucial for…