Bailey Petersen

Bailey Petersen lives in Two Harbors, Minnesota and is the assistant area wildlife manager for the Minnesota DNR for counties bordering the north shore of Lake Superior. She enjoys the Northwoods in pursuit of forest game birds, woodcock banding in the spring with her pointing dogs, and fishing with her husband.

3 Articles Published | Follow:
A group of bird dogs ready to pull a dog sled
Using Bird Dogs for Kicksledding

Pursue a new hobby in the off-season by participating in winter dog sports with your…

A grouse hunting dog runs through the rain
Hunting Ruffed Grouse in the Rain

Tips for making the most of inclement weather when grouse hunting in the northwoods Let’s…

A biologist places a metal band on a woodcock chick
Woodcock Banding – A Behind the Scenes Look at Conservation

The unusual world of woodcock banding in Minnesota with pointing dogs When the north shore…