A blue grouse in the woods.
Splitting the Blue Grouse into the Sooty and Dusky Grouse

Learn why the blue grouse was split into two subspecies as well as identifying birds…

A male sooty grouse displaying feathers.
Sooty Grouse (Dendragapus fuliginosus) – The Rare Blue Grouse Subspecies

Hunting the ever-challenging coastal Blue Grouse known as the sooty grouse (Dendragapus fuliginosus) The sooty…

A male dusky grouse displaying
Dusky Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus) – A Blue Grouse Life History

Chasing one of the two elusive blue grouse in the mountains on North America The…

A Sharp-tailed grouse doing a mating dance in a field
Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus) – A Prairie Grouse Overview

What do you know about the northern prairie grouse known as the sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus…

A grouse hunter walks through the snow while hunting.
Ruffed Grouse Hunting in the Snow

Tips and tactics for ruffed grouse hunting in the snow As I gaze out the…

Grouse Hunting with Flushing Dogs
How to Hunt Ruffed Grouse with a Flushing Dog

Grouse hunting with flushing dogs takes a different approach than it does with pointers If…

A shotgun with shotgun shells and a ruffed grouse on a table
Choosing Shot Sizes and Chokes for Ruffed Grouse

Knowing how to choose shot sizes and chokes for ruffed grouse hunting can change through…

A hunter exposes the crop of a ruffed grouse to see what it was eating
Ruffed Grouse Hunting Tip: Know What They Are Eating

Follow this ruffed grouse hunting advice on slow days in your covers However predictable we…

A ruffed grouse hunter walks through thick ruffed grouse habitat
How to Identify Ruffed Grouse Habitat

Where to Find Ruffed Grouse Habitat Throughout the Country If you’re going to be a…

Ruffed Grouse drumming on a log
Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) – Bellwether of the Forest

The ruffed grouse is the game bird that makes the north woods come alive This…

A prairie chicken stands in a field.
Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) – A Game Bird Profile

Hunting the ghostly-sounding and comical greater prairie-chicken If you’ve never seen a greater prairie-chicken, you’re…

A Spruce grouse in a forest.
Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis) – An Upland Game Bird Profile

Take a look at the Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis) its history, biology, and hunting availability.…

A grouse hunter pauses with an open shot opportunity.
How Pausing Causes Ruffed Grouse to Flush

How taking your time can equal more upland bird shooting opportunities. If you’re like most…

A ruffed grouse sits on a tree limb in a snow storm
Ruffed Grouse and Adaptations to Winter Survival

Ruffed Grouse are one of the most well adapted bird species for winter. There are…