The most comprehensive ongoing research in the upland hunting community. Welcome to the annual North…
This podcast episode explores the history, language, and meaning behind how dog breeds came to…
100 years ago, one metalworker enabled post-Great Depression hunters to reload efficiently without purchasing a…
This podcast episode explores the history and dramatic extinction of the Passenger Pigeon, once the…
The origin and history of the Antiquities Act and presidential national monument powers in the…
Selling quail meat, eggs, capes, chicks, and even adult birds offer financial benefits to those…
Ruffed grouse have several adaptations, like pectinations and high feather densities, that help them survive…
Insights from a career grouse biologist on the factors impacting eastern ruffed grouse survival. As…
In the final part of our Great Basin Sage Grouse podcast, we explore the threats…
From the Piedmont region to the coastal plains, South Carolina offers upland bird hunting opportunities…
A flavorful blend of upland bird meat, shrimp, and andouille sausage inspired by traditional Creole…
When it comes to restoring ruffed grouse habitat, particularly in Viriginia, our conservation practices need…
Explore the research of sage grouse and sage habitat in the Great Basin of Utah…
Prepare you and your dog for success when it comes to staying safe during late…
A story-driven film about hunting woodcock and clapper rail in the Lowcountry of South Carolina…
Useful practices for raising domestic quail during all four seasons. When I began researching domestic…
Life history and habitat information about black ducks and the strong culture surrounding them. Life…
A light, sweet, and savory dish with basil, tomato, homemade vinaigrette, and crispy pheasant breast…
Two quail biologists encourage private landowners to take advantage of state and federal habitat management…
Helpful tips for deciding whether to pluck or to skin puddle and diver ducks If…
Handmade ravioli may be the ultimate comfort food, especially when filled with braised woodcock meat…