Gabriela Zaldumbide

Gabby Zaldumbide is Project Upland's Editor in Chief. After growing up in southern Wisconsin, she moved to Gunnison, Colorado, where she now lives with eight dogs, three horses, and a wobbly cat. She herds cows for a local rancher on the side.

27 Articles Published | Follow:
A native grouse on a lek
Bird Conservation Organizations Uplanders Should Support

These nonprofit bird organizations are working to save the future of birds in North America.…

a close up photo of grouse feathers
Types of Bird Feathers

Learn about all the various types of bird feathers and how to identify them. Feathers…

A Gunnison Sage-grouse Male
Gunnison Sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus): A Critically Imperiled Species

Prominent filoplumes and limited home ranges define this rare game bird with less than 5000…

A Lesser Prairie-Chicken in Oklahoma
The Lesser Prairie-Chicken Has Been Listed Endangered

Despite continued efforts, the Lesser Prairie-Chicken makes the endangered species listing in another blow to…

An American Woodcock probes for worms on a forest floor
American Woodcock Accumulate Lead According to Study

Using non-lead ammunition can decrease the impacts of toxic lead levels on this beloved upland…

An American Woodcock probes for worms in the soil
Unusual Facts About American Woodcock

American Woodcocks are, surprisingly, a migratory bird species with a strong upland hunting culture and…