On the Go Podcast

Project Upland On the Go Podcast

The On the Go Podcast is an innovative way to save time consuming our online articles. These audio-book style articles are read by a professional voice actor and updated weekly. You can listen to them anywhere you get your podcasts and of course right here on our website!

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Check out the Latest On the Go Episodes Below

A Pheasant hunter walks alone in a field
How to Hunt Pheasant by Yourself

Take a look at some pheasant hunting tips and tactics to make hunting pheasant alone…

A Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever in the water
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever in History and Today

A look into the unusual history of duck tolling and the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling…

A bird hunter holds sharp-tailed grouse with his shotgun in hand.
Choosing Shot Size and Chokes for Sharp-tailed Grouse Hunting

Exploring shot size and chokes sizes throughout the season for sharptail hunting As a new…

A mourning dove in habitat
How to Identify Mourning Dove Habitat

Finding and hunting mourning dove habitat this fall While many people associate the mourning dove…

A bird dog wearing an e-collar while hunting
Introducing a Dog to an E-Collar – A Guide to Collar Conditioning

Learn about properly introducing a dog to an e-collar and correct applications in training and…

Doves across a field during the early hunting season
3 Dove Hunting Hacks to Try This Season

Increase your odds dove hunting this season with these clever hacks There are a few…

A dog trainer uses the whoa command on his American Brittany
Weaving Whoa Training Into Our Daily Routines

Incorporating and perfecting the whoa command with your bird dog during everyday life If I…

bird dog puppies working on socializing.
Where to Start in Training with a Bird Dog Puppy

Building a foundation for a bird dog puppy through socialization and learning to be part…

A hunting dog is place trained with dog food.
Place Training in Your Home

Working on at-home training drills for proper place training: ways to eliminate whining and movement…

A bird dog on a staircase during whoa training.
Whoa Training on Your Home Staircase

Using at-home time to reinforce and build the “Whoa” command in your bird dog Our…

A bid dog flags while being trained in the woods.
Understanding Flagging in a Bird Dog

Flagging in a bird dog can be prevented and fixed with proper training So what…

A dog trainer reads a dogs body language for better training results
Learning to Read a Dog’s Body Language for Training

Being able to read a bird dog’s body language can increase effective training and communication.…

A bird hunter carrying a Remington 870 pump shotgun
Remington 870 Pump Shotgun — The All-Around American Classic

Like many have found growing up hunting, the Remington 870 pump shotgun is made for…

A Beagle gets a GPS tracking collar for rabbit hunting
What is it like to Hunt Rabbits with Beagles?

Right in many of our upland covers awaits a whole new world of rabbit hunting…

A grouse hunter holds a ruffed grouse fan open during a hunt.
Understanding the Threat Response of Ruffed Grouse in Hunting

Musing on the accelerated evolution of grouse behavior and grouse hunting tactics. A decade ago…

A dog training works with a dog personality while training
Training to the Character of Your Dog

Not all dogs are created equal, each possessing distinct personalities and characteristics that matter significantly…

A bird dog trainer uses correct timing to correct a gun dog in the field.
Understanding Timing in Dog Training

Timing is a critical foundation to good dog training and here we explore how to…

a murder of crows fly's across a field.
Is Crow Hunting Worth My Time?

Crow hunting is good filler for the down times and despite what we often think…

A dog trainer uses a dog treat to reward proper behavior
How to Use Dog Treats in Training

Exploring whether you should use dog treats in training: effective methods and applications in real…

A dog trainer works to refocus a dog for successful training.
How to Reset Your Dog in Training

Maintaining a dog’s focus and keeping them grounded are important for successful training sessions and…

A dog in an excited mental state durning dog training
The Five Mental States of Dogs in Training

The mental state of you and your dog can make the difference between success and…