The German influence on hunting dog breeds dates back to the 19th century when German…
A look at the NAVHDA Utility Test, including test events, scoring, preparation, and what to…
The Bracco Italiano is a large pointing breed with a hound-like appearance known for its…
Learn about the various hunting dog testing systems from the puppy level to the finished…
The modern era of hunting dogs is characterized by technology and information, making new breeds…
A look at what the NAVHDA natural ability test is and how it matters to…
NAVHDA explained as an organization, testing platform, and community What do you see when you…
The NAVHDA youth program focuses on fostering meaningful relationships and events to inspire the future…
Have you heard of the Deutsch Kurzhaar? We all have our bird dog breeds. For…
For many of us, the pursuit of upland has become all about dogs. And in…
Watch this Project Upland film featuring NAVHDA member Noah Foreman and his pudelpointer. Noah Foreman…