Bobwhite Quail

Two chukar on a grill
Twelve Favorite Upland Bird Recipes for the Grill

Cook these sizzling pheasant, quail, chukar, and grouse recipes on your grill this summer I,…

Roasted quail in a creamy garlic sauce on a white plate
Quail and 40 Cloves of Garlic

This traditional French preparation makes quail the star of a creamy garlic sauce A French…

Quail-filled wonton dumplings topped with chili crisp and green onions on a white plate with soy sauce
Quail Wontons

Delectable quail wonton dumplings topped with chili crisp and green onions make a great appetizer…

A bowl of quail mulligatawny soup in a white bowl on a dark slate background
Quail Mulligatawny Soup

This tasty, wild game take on a traditionally British-Indian dish highlights the versatility of quail…

Roasted whole quail on a bed of lettuce for a Mediterranean inspired fattoush salad
Roasted Quail Fattoush Salad

Explore fresh and healthy wild game dishes like this flavorful, Mediterranean-inspired salad that is versatile…

Gambel's quail with chicks in the Southwest
How Rainfall Influences Quail Populations

Explore how rainfall, or lack thereof, influences various quail populations across the United States from…

A hunter walks up on a dog pointing bobwhite quail
A Guide to Wild Bobwhite Quail Hunting

Best practices for preparing and planning your public land bobwhite quail hunting this season Each…

A bird dog in the mountains of Colorado
Bird Hunting in Colorado – Grouse, Quail, Chukar, Pheasant, and More

Upland bird hunting in this Rocky Mountain state features a variety of species, habitats, and…

Tamarind Fried Quail platted and ready to eat
Tamarind Fried Quail – Vietnamese Recipe

This is a recipe for a Vietnamese-inspired dish featuring fried quail coated in a crisp…

A group of hunters walk in on a bird dog while quail hunting in the United States
The Quail Slam of the United States

Explore the quail species that constitute the quail slam in the United States through the…

Quail perfectly finished on a smoked pellet grill.
How to Make Smoked Quail on a Pellet Grill

Discover the art of smoking quail to juicy perfection with our easy-to-follow pellet grill recipe.…

Grilled quail in a skillet with a pumpkin side dish
Grilled Quail with Peach Chipotle Sauce

Celebrate the turn of the seasons with a sweet-and-spicy peach chipotle sauce drizzled over grilled…

A novice bird hunter celebrates a successful upland hunt.
4 Tips for Improving as an Upland Hunter

Become a better upland hunter by improving how you find and recover birds, maneuver in…

A dog points into the wind
How Wind Affects Birds and Hunting Dogs

Recommendations for pinning birds in the wind across the United States As I set up…

A Bird hunter walks grasslands in Nebraska.
Upland Hunting in Nebraska: Wild Quail, Prairie Chickens, and More 

Experience Nebraska’s premiere upland bird hunting from grassland bobwhite quail to prairie grouse opportunities. “To…

Hunting pheasant in a corn field with a lab
South Dakota Bird Hunting for Pheasants, Grouse, and More

There’s a good reason why South Dakota is synonymous with bird hunting. Each fall, South…

Bobwhite quail in a pen
Above-Ground versus Ground Housing for Pen-Raised Quail

Explore the pros and cons of above-ground and ground housing for pen-raised quail, tailored for…

A bird hunter walking in the Wisconsin forest.
Bird Hunting in Wisconsin for Ruffed Grouse, Woodcock, Pheasant, and Dove

In Wisconsin, bird hunting is as lush and alive as the state’s natural beauty. Wisconsin’s…

Pickled quail eggs after using the recipe
Pickled Quail Eggs

Don’t let those training quail eggs go to waste. Turn them into a great snack…

A covey of bobwhite quail in brush
Environmental Factors that Drive Bobwhite Quail Chick Survival

Weather, protein availability, and predation determine bobwhite quail population sizes Each September, bobwhite hunters across…

Bobwhite quail nest with hatched eggs
The Science of Bobwhite Quail Nesting Dates

Have we been all wrong when it comes to Northern Bobwhite nest hatch timing? As…