Hunting the three species of Southwestern quail in Arizona.
All Wild – An Arizona Quail Hunting Film

Chasing the three Southwestern species of quail: Gambel’s, Mearns, and scaled in the Arizona desert.…

A bobwhite walking in snow
A Christmas Eve Walk Among Bobwhites

A registry of words and memories in the uplands during the holiday season. The day…

A bird hunter holds a scaled quail in Arizona.
Choosing Shotguns, Shot Size, and Chokes for Scaled Quail Hunting

Learn about hunting scaled quail with the proper shotgun setup Scaled quail can be very…

A bird dog retrieves a California quail while hunting
How to Hunt California Quail – Nobody’s Royalty

California quail is an exciting and rewarding bird to hunt in Western states. As hunters,…

A mountain quail in a mountain meadow.
Mountain Quail: An Upland Game Bird Profile

The remote mountain bird that makes you work for it The Mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus)…

A Scaled Quail in thick cover during bird hunting season.
How to Identify Scaled Quail Habitat

Learn how to hunt the quail of the arid grasslands Hunting scaled quail is different…

Guide from Border to Border outfitters loads up an English pointer.
The Best Dog – Summer Issue of Project Upland Magazine

His name is Hank, he’s something special. A bird-finding machine. My exes still love him. He…

A scaled quail walking in their native habitat.
Scaled Quail (Callipepla squamata) – Life History of the Blue Quail

Chasing the desert quail of the arid southwest The scaled quail (Callipepla squamata) is a…

A Bobwhite Quail hunting shoots at a covey of quail.
The Best Shot Size and Chokes for Bobwhite Quail

Take a look at selecting shot size and choke size for bobwhite quail hunting Nowadays,…

A bird hunter holding a bobwhite quail.
All the Bobwhite Quail In the South Aren’t Gone

Public bobwhite quail are still a part of the South — they just take some…

A hunter holds a valley quail or California quail.
Hunting Valley Quail on Public Land

A brief guide to hunting valley quail that covers habitat and behavior for this quail…

A California quail or valley quail sitting on a branch
California Quail (Callipepla californica) – The Valley Quail Life History

The life history and hunting opportunities of the California Quail also known as the Valley…

Bird hunters walk in on a quail point in Arizona
Bird Hunting in Arizona, Scaled, Mearns, Gambel’s Quail, Chukar, Grouse, and Pheasant

Temperate, expansive and beautiful — bird hunting in Arizona is an icon in Southwest quail…

A male Gambel's Quail walks on a desert landscape
Gambel’s Quail (Callipepla gambelii) – Desert Quail Life History and Biology

The Gambel’s quail (Callipepla gambelii) is found in the American southwest and into Mexico as…

A bobwhite quail walking in habitat
Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) – Northern Quail Life History and Biology

The complicated story of the once plentiful Northern Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) and its decline…

A Male Mearns quail game bird
Mearns Quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) – Overview of the Montezuma Quail in America

The Mearns quail, which is often called the Montezuma quail, is a rare site in…