An English Setter rests on a hunt to cool down.
Can a Hunting Dog Diet Improve Scenting Abilities?

The science is in: a hunting dog diet can improve dog scenting ability Cornell University…

A Spruce grouse in a forest.
Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis) – An Upland Game Bird Profile

Take a look at the Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis) its history, biology, and hunting availability.…

A pudelpinter during a NAVHDA youth event.
Plant A Seed – A NAVHDA Short Film featuring the Pudelpointer

Watch this Project Upland film featuring NAVHDA member Noah Foreman and his pudelpointer. Noah Foreman…

non-profit volunteers works on a habitat project for woodcock
How to Keep Busy in the Uplands During the Off Season

Here are some ideas to stay active in the uplands during the off season from…

A puppy looks to the owner for direction.
Things a Novice Should Know about Dog Training

First time advice on dog training from a struggling novice Beginning on the path of…

A pointing dog is told to "whoa" while on point
Thinking About Dog Commands to Avoid Confusion in Training

The commands we choose to train our dog are important in more ways than we…

A beaver shows his teeth in defense
The Dangers of Beavers and Dogs in the Wild

With their razor-sharp teeth and heavy front claws, beavers can become a serious threat to…

A hunter mounts his shotgun to shoot at a woodcock in thick cover
Learning How to Shoot Through Thick Ruffed Grouse and Woodcock Cover

Ignoring the trees is easier said than done but a cornerstone to good wingshooting in…

A young girl holds up a pheasant with two dogs while hunting in America.
How the Non-Native Pheasant Became an American Icon

America’s love affair with pheasant hunting is undeniable, but why? This is not a Romeo…

An adult hunter mentors a kid on a grouse hunt.
The Reward—A Hunter Mentor Film

Mark Fouts, Director of Member Relations & Outreach for the Ruffed Grouse Society, shares his…

A dog trainer tells a dog "whoa"
Should You Perfect Steady Dog Training?

Is steady training with a pointing dog worth the time and investment? Dog One is…

A grouse hunter pauses with an open shot opportunity.
How Pausing Causes Ruffed Grouse to Flush

How taking your time can equal more upland bird shooting opportunities. If you’re like most…

Walt Lesser hunts woodcock with his Ryman Setter at "the gates" in West Virginia.
Walter Lesser—The Real Ryman Setter

Walter Lesser is a legend of upland culture and wildlife conservation. Over fifty years of…

a grouse hunter walking through ruffed grouse habitat in Virginia.
Chip Hidinger—Ruffed Grouse Society #HealthyForests Campaign

Chip Hidinger, an Arizona native, shares his new Virginia Upland Adventures in the #HealthyForests Film…

Artist Jay Dowd with an English setter hunting woodcock.
Jason Dowd—Ruffed Grouse Society #HealthyForests Campaign

Jay Dowd shares his passion for the Ruffed Grouse Society in the #HealthyForests Film Campaign. …

A biologist hunts ruffed grouse in Minnesota.
The Opportunity—A Story of a Woman Bird Hunter and Biologist

The Ruffed Grouse Society presents The Opportunity, a Project Upland Film. Take a journey with Ruffed…

A close up shot of the detail on a pheasant
Hunting Photography- Reinventing the Hero Shot

Hunting photography is full of hero shots. The upland community is no exception. So what…

A hunter shoots at a woodcock in Minnesota
2017 Project Upland Official Trailers

Dangerous Cow Publishing is proud to present the 2017 season of Project Upland, A Bird…

A ruffed grouse sits on a tree limb in a snow storm
Ruffed Grouse and Adaptations to Winter Survival

Ruffed Grouse are one of the most well adapted bird species for winter. There are…

A bird hunter carries an over and under shotgun.
Why are Some American Companies Dumping Double Guns?

More American shotgun manufacturers are discontinuing double guns; here’s why Many of us fancy double…

A snipe walks the waters edge.
Snipe Hunting is Not Just a Prank

Snipe Hunting may just be the early season challenge to get you ready for other…