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With the Pack – A Beagle and Rabbit Hunting Film

With the Pack – A Beagle and Rabbit Hunting Film

Watch a cottontail rabbit hunting film that takes you into the hound world with a pack of Beagles.

New York is home to a rich history of hunting that includes the traditions of running hounds. In this short film presented by Remington and Hunting Dog Confidential Magazine we experience the traditions of camp life, beagles, and even shotguns. This cottontail hunting story inspired a complain piece in the Spring 2021 issue of Project Upland Magazine that explores the authors love for both Beagles and Snowshoe Hare hunting.

“Rabbit hunting is super accessible. A lot of parts of the country there aren’t wild game birds unfortunately. But there is pretty much rabbit everywhere. That’s pretty unique, no matter where you are, you can do this.”


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