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The Opportunity—A Story of a Woman Bird Hunter and Biologist

Project Upland is an editorial initiative to capture the cultures…
The Ruffed Grouse Society presents The Opportunity, a Project Upland Film.
Take a journey with Ruffed Grouse Society regional biologist Meadow Kouffeld as she shares what this fight for conservation entails. Meadow brings us from her roots to her work in hunter recruitment and retention. She spends her time on the Women’s Intro to Wingshooting and the daily workings of a biologist. An American Woodcock hunt in Minnesota with her Drahthaar in the beautiful autumn woods provides the backdrop to this short video.
The Ruffed Grouse Society and American Woodcock Society is a non-profit organization that works to create healthy balanced forests. They wage their critical fight for young growth species involves habitat projects and lobbying in Washington DC. These battlefields effect hundreds of bird, mammal, and plant species. Their education programs, local chapters, videos, and award winning magazine increase hunters’ understanding of responsible forest management. 89 cents of every member dollar goes to enhance habitat and hunter access projects, young and new hunter initiatives, and public education on the importance hunters play in wildlife conservation. That 89 cents is an industry-leading number.
To find out how you can help this important movement and receive the limited edition Jay Dowd (@Upland_Lowlife) designed hat and T-shirt check out Ruffed.Org.

Project Upland is an editorial initiative to capture the cultures and traditions of upland bird hunting. We seek to inspire a future generation of upland bird hunters to understand the essence of hunting traditions and the critical cause for conservation.
Meadow, very pleased to see more women in the woods chasing upland birds – well done! I hope my daughter will like it – she will get her introduction this Spring to shotgunning and then in late summer to Texas doves… we shall see. Keep up the good work.
Another great piece on upland hunting, and the folks that enjoy it.
Keep up the good work.
Great video. Capturing good footage in the grouse woods is much more difficult than people realize!
Only wish it was 60 minutes long……
Luckily we will have 7 Feature films being released this year. Ranging from 30 to 1 hour run times. Including 3 major Ruffed Grouse productions. So stay tuned!
As a woman hunter I loved the video! I hunt with a young GWP who could pass as your dogs twin, down to the white tipped tail. Keep up the good work! ????
If you’re ever in the mountains of NC would love to meet a kindred spirit.
Fine video, Meadow. I’m forwarding it to Kaitlynd, my GSP’s professional trainer and kindred spirit.