Protect your dog from insect-transmitted diseases by learning about the three most common ways to avoid ectoparasites. One of the most constantly changing topics in the field of veterinary medicine is flea…
The legacies of Old Drum, Fend L’Air, Judy the Pointer, and more reach far beyond the bird dog community. To bird dog aficionados, names like Elhew Snakefoot, Count Noble, Shadowoaks Bo, and…
Best practices for physically conditioning your dog before hunting season. A long day afield is mentally and physically strenuous for dogs. While reviewing this past hunting season, I noted a day-to-day depreciation…
Estimating the cost of owning a hunting dog over the course of its lifetime Total cost: $173 per month, $2083 per year, or $25,000 for lifetime**Based on an average life of 12…
Narrowing down what pointing breed to choose can be daunting; this guide will help find the right bird dog for you I have watched double-nosed Spanish pointers hunt quail in the arid hills…
The upland world is often full of pointing dog breeds, leaving flushing dogs underrepresented as an effective method of bird hunting For many of us, upland bird hunting often brings to mind…
The author explores all the parts in between upland game that make a true versatile hunting dog We were searching for late season roosters on a frosty, foggy afternoon. Scratchy calls echoed…