Rossano Russo

Rossano Russo is a Canadian Italian from Ontario Canada. He is an electrician by trade with a passion for photography, hunting, and cooking. Follow him on Instagram @rossanorusso.

7 Articles Published | Follow:
A white platter of prepared ruffed grouse saltimbocca with sage leaves
Grouse Saltimbocca

Sage, butter, and white wine bring the complex flavors of ruffed grouse to life in…

A serving dish of ruffed grouse piccata with lemon and capers
Ruffed Grouse Piccata

This simple, light dish is a perfect way to highlight the complex flavors of light…

Seared sharp-tailed grouse meat served in fajitas on tortillas with peppers and cilantro
Sharp-Tailed Grouse Fajitas

A citrus marinade helps to tenderize and bring out the amazing flavors of sharp-tailed grouse…

Hungarian partridges cooking in a tomato broth for cacciatore dish
Hungarian Partridge Alla Cacciatore

Meaning “hunter” in Italian, this simple cacciatore dish with huge flavor is easy to prepare…

Hungarian Partridge Arrosto Morto – Authentic Italian Pan Roasted Recipe

Savor the traditional flavors of Italy with this Hungarian Partridge Arrosto Morto recipe. Expertly pan-roasted…

Mastering the Art of Roasting Woodcock Perfectly

Dive into proper temperature settings, meat preparation, and ensure a moist, flavorful woodcock experience. The…

Butter Garlic Sage Sharp-Tailed Grouse Breast

This recipe transforms the distinctively flavor of sharp-tailed grouse into a succulent dish, perfected with…