Clint Wirick

Clint Wirick lives in south-central Utah at the convergence of the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau with his wife, Julie, and his four kids, Anden, Eva, Taya, and Aaidah. Clint works at his dream job, where he leads a habitat restoration program for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and works with landowners to restore and enhance working landscapes for people and wildlife. After a lifetime of owning German Shorthairs, he now owns two English Setters. Clint and his setters can be found in wide-open sagebrush landscapes chasing sage grouse and chukar.

2 Articles Published | Follow:
A sage grouse in prime sage grouse habitat.
A Field Guide To Sage-Grouse Habitat

Learn how to identify high-quality sage grouse habitat in the western United States. Chasing Greater…

A Pinyon Jay in a tree in sage habitat.
Are Pinyon Jays the Next Sage Grouse?

Unknown environmental stressors threaten pinyon jay populations and the broader sagebrush ecosystem uplanders love. I…