Watch the origin story of the Deutsch Langhaar in North America with the DL-GNA club…
Is there a difference between a Deutsch Drahthaar and a German Wirehaired Pointer? Explore breeds…
Exploring the origin of pointing dog breeds from continental Europe east of the Rhine We…
Narrowing down what pointing breed to choose can be daunting; this guide will help find the…
The sleek appearance and superb hunting traits of the German Longhairs and Deutsch Langhaars are…
Or, that time I drove 900 miles for a dog test I popped an antacid…
It should have been a memory to last a lifetime: a new hunter, a new…
The development of a strong bound between a dog and handler is a cornerstone to…
Taking the lessons from a first bird hunting season with a bird dog The young…
Pigeons are disgusting and other surprises not disclosed when you get your first gun dog…
A first hand perspective of adding the first gun dog to the family It was…