Hunting Dog Confidential Podcast
The Hunting Dog Confidential Podcast was created in 2020 to help fill a gap in more historic and journalistic style hosting in the upland community. With co-hosts Jennifer Wapenski and author Craig Koshyk the series starts at the very beginning of the hunting dog story inspired by Craig’s first book Pointing Dogs Volume One: The Continentals. After decades of traveling the world in search of lost breeds, historical records, and the people and places that created the incredible hunting dog community, Craig is considered the foremost authority of hunting dog breed history and information. This podcast is for those that want to get lost in at the very beginning of the creation of hunting dogs down to the very details that define the breeds we love today.
Explore some of the oldest types of dogs that have developed alongside humans for hunting…
Discovering the Murray River Retriever and the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever In this episode,…
Exploring the origins and current state of three retriever breeds from England This episode continues…
Tracing the stories of two retriever breeds with the same origin but vastly different paths…
Uncovering the truth of where and how the retriever breeds were developed Our exploration of…
Exploring how spaniels and working dogs led to the early origins of the retrieving dog…
Exploring the origins and current states of flushing spaniel breeds This episode kicks off a…
Exploring the origin of pointing dog breeds from the United Kingdom and Ireland In the…
Exploring the origin of pointing dog breeds from continental Europe east of the Rhine We…
Exploring the origin of pointing dog breeds from continental Europe west of the Rhine In…
Exploring the idea that hunting dogs are a reflection of the hunting culture where they…
An exploration into the origins of the pointing dog and how bird dogs developed alongside…