Edgar Castillo

Edgar Castillo is a recently retired law enforcement officer for a large Kansas City metropolitan agency. He also served in the United States Marine Corps for twelve years. Edgar longs for the colors of autumn and frosty, winter days so he can explore the landscapes in search of wild birds in wild places. His passion lies in the uplands as he self-documents his travels across public lands throughout Kansas hunting open fields, walking treelines, & bustin’ through plum thickets.

38 Articles Published | Follow:
Supplies for a bird cleaning kit including knife and shears
Build a Bird Cleaning Kit for Field Dressing Birds

Carry these essential tools for field dressing birds after a successful hunt Upland birds offer…

A bird hunter carries a Ruger Red Label shotgun in the field
History and Overview of the Ruger Red Label Shotgun

The rise, fall, and rebirth of this classic American over-under shotgun It was the same…

A pheasant hunter holding an over-under shotgun
Reasons to Consider Carrying a Backup Shotgun

Consider the benefits of a spare shotgun in the event of damage, ammunition availability, or…

A group of bird hunters walking on federal public lands.
Types of Public Land for Hunting Access in America

Public lands fall under many types and jurisdictions, but understanding them can open countless hunting…

a Hungarian partridge walking in a field.
Wild Hungarian Partridge Hunting in New York

There was a time when wild Huns were a bird of the Eastern United States…

Doves across a field during the early hunting season
3 Dove Hunting Hacks to Try This Season

Increase your odds dove hunting this season with these clever hacks There are a few…

Three single shot shotgun models on a table
Single Shot Shotgun – The Original Starter Gun

In the hands of a youth or adult, the single-shot is the original starter shotgun…

Dove hunters walking into a field.
Scouting Bobwhite Quail While Dove Hunting

Pinpointing bobwhite quail while dove hunting can help hunters months down the road Hunters have…

a bird hunter using binoculars
Glassing for Upland Birds

Exploring the unorthodox approach of using binoculars for upland bird hunting Somewhere out there in…

A disassembled shotgun with factory and wooden plugs
How To Plug a Shotgun in the Field and at Home

Limiting yourself to three shells and MacGyvering a plug out of thin air Truck is…

A flock of doves flying by
A Complete Guide to Dove Hunting

Explore dove hunting tactics, gear, seasons, and more in this complete guide to dove hunting…

A hunter in Kansas accessing an iSportsman property.
Kansas iSportsman – Public Access Hunting in the Electronic Age

Take a look at the way technology is helping make public access more efficient through…

a bird hunter wearing an L.L. Bean Technical Upland Vest Pack.
Review of the L.L. Bean Technical Upland Vest Pack

The L.L. Bean Technical Upland Vest Pack is built for bird hunts calling for lots…

Bird hunters gearing up outside their cars
Bird Hunting by Car – Working with What You Have

Though we often think of trucks when it comes to bird hunting, a car can…

Hunting grassland prairies for bobwhite quail
Hunting Wild Bobwhite Quail on Prairie Grasslands

Wild bobwhite quail can be found on prairie grasslands in abundance. The typical scenario played…

A ruffed grouse with one wing left on for game bird identification.
The Many Regulations and Laws of Transporting Game Birds

Understanding the laws and regulations of transporting upland game birds after hunting. The long-tailed birds…

A Band-Tailed Pigeon off in the distance during hunting season.
Band-Tailed Pigeon – An Overlooked Game Bird Opportunity

The West’s most underrated and least-known game bird The band-tailed pigeon (Patagioenas fasciata) is the…

A bobwhite walking in snow
A Christmas Eve Walk Among Bobwhites

A registry of words and memories in the uplands during the holiday season. The day…

A rooster pheasant sits in a tree in the winter.
How Tough is a Rooster Pheasant?

The pheasant has earned a reputation as a physically tough bird in the upland community…

A bird hunter holds a scaled quail in Arizona.
Choosing Shotguns, Shot Size, and Chokes for Scaled Quail Hunting

Learn about hunting scaled quail with the proper shotgun setup Scaled quail can be very…

A dove sitting on a fence in october
Dove Hunting Tactics for Late Season

October might just be one of the best months to go dove hunting The birds…